• Currently as part of the outline planning application we are proposing up to 175 new homes. This will include a mix of housing types including family and affordable homes.

  • In Sandwell, there is a need for a wide range of housing for the local community. This development would provide around 175 new homes of which 40% would be affordable, allowing local families to get onto the property ladder for the first time.

  • To help meet the long local housing waiting lists, the proposals will provide 40% of units as affordable housing. This level is significantly higher than the council’s 25% requirement.

  • Yes, the site sits entirely within the West Midlands Green Belt. However, by including a countryside park in the proposals, the development will provide much needed housing for local people, while also providing a green open space to prevent urban sprawl between Great Barr and neighbouring settlements.

  • As part of any planning consent, the applicant will enter into a legal agreement with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to provide additional funding to local services. This will be negotiated during the planning determination process where required.

    The scheme will also benefit local shops and other businesses by providing additional customers when the homes are being built and when they are occupied

  • A Construction Management Plan will be put in place to manage things such as dirt, noise and construction traffic. This would be secured by condition on the application during negotiations with the planning officers at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.

  • As part of our assessment, capacity assessments of key junctions on the local highway network will be undertaken, informed by traffic surveys on the local highway network during school term time.

    A capacity assessment for the proposed vehicular site access onto Wilderness Lane will be undertaken based on these surveys and forecasts of the number of vehicle trips generated by the development.

    The results of all these assessments will be provided within the Transport Assessment submitted as part of the planning application.

  • The access strategy for the site has been based on a detailed review of the existing opportunities and constraints and designed such that access by sustainable modes (walking, cycling and public transport) is prioritised.

    It is proposed to provide vehicle access to the site from Wilderness Lane only. This will also provide pedestrian access and be complemented by a series of additional pedestrian and cycle access points onto Birmingham Road and Public Rights of Way along the southern boundary of the site. Together, these access points will ensure direct and convenient access to local amenities, public transport infrastructure and existing walking and cycling routes.

    It is also proposed to provide an emergency access onto Birmingham Road, which would be used by emergency service vehicles if the main vehicular access to the site from Wilderness Lane is blocked.

    All site access points will be designed in line with the latest design guidance.

Your views are important to us. We would like to receive your feedback before we submit an outline planning application to Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council in the Autumn.