Wain Estates is preparing an outline planning application for land north of Wilderness Lane, which will include around 175 new homes and a new publicly accessible countryside park. At this stage of the planning process, we are submitting an outline planning application, which will outline the key principles of development in this location.

The proposals will preserve a green buffer between surrounding settlements and deliver a new informal recreation facility for residents of the scheme and the local community, as well as providing a net biodiversity gain.

The final detailed plans will be included in any future reserved matters planning application, which will also require approval from Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.

Click to enlarge the proposed illustrative masterplan for the new homes and countryside park.

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To meet Sandwell’s diverse housing needs, the development will provide a policy-compliant mix of house sizes, including provision of family homes. Additionally, the development makes provision for 40% affordable housing, which is above the 25% minimum policy requirements and will help take local families off the housing lists and into a home of their own.

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A new countryside park will preserve Great Barr’s green buffer, while delivering much-needed homes for local people. This will be open to the public from Birmingham Road, Wilderness Lane, and the existing Beacon Way long distance path, preserving pedestrian access to Yew Tree.

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The site sits within Flood Zone 1, which means it has a 0.1% chance of flooding in any year. However, to mitigate against such an event, the proposals will include new attenuation features. As part of the investment in the green space, there will be a process of rewilding, which will deliver in excess of 10% bio-diversity net gain as a result of the development.

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Situated in close proximity to the M6’s Junction 8 with the A34, the site is located next to important routes on the local road network. The access to the new housing will be situated on Wilderness Lane, with only pedestrian access on Birmingham Road.

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Importantly, the development will promote sustainable travel, as it is served by local bus services, such as the frequent 51 bus running between Birmingham and Walsall. The A34 will also be served by a future SPRINT rapid transit route, which will further enhance the local public transport offer.



This is a well located, sustainable site that will provide new homes and social benefits including much needed affordable housing and a new countryside park for the local community.

Image showing a family riding their bikes through a community


The potential to create a new neighbourhood in Great Barr excites us. Our masterplan is designed to encourage a sensitive new development and deliver real benefits for Sandwell.

Aerial view of a neighbourhood


Building on 50 years of industry experience, Wain Estates is highly motivated to deliver a high-quality planning permission. 

Aerial view of a housing development


Public feedback is important to us, and we want to shape the new development through community engagement.

Image showing plans and a pencil


We work with trusted specialist consultants to ensure development is delivered to the highest possible standard.